Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Internet Home Based Business Opportunities!

Internet home based business opportunities! Whoa: Make it do what it do, baby!

Right now there seem to be a million “internet home based business” opportunities on the web. Do a search and see for yourself. Tell me how many you find in the space of 20 minutes.

Recently I clicked on Google Good Keyword Tools and found some mind-blowing results. During the month of March 2009 alone there were a decent 60, 500 for keyword search phrase “internet home based business”: And that’s just local. There’s got to be a solid reason for this high volume of searches.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to crunch these numbers. At a glance they should tell you the need for internet home based businesses is on the rise. It stands to reason, doesn’t it? The figures did not go back to the months of January or February. But this recent economic downturn is opening up new doors in our lives.

I jumped in and started swimming before crunch time in the economic downturn. I didn’t do any surfing prior to my involvement with internet home based business. I learned about the one I chose through a friend. He sent me a link in my email, I clicked on it, and voila. I’m in like flint.

My internet home based business is ranked highly on the list of favorites. It is known as the BiB (Business in a Box) with Carbon Copy Pro.

Jay Kubassek and the crew have done a killer job to set up their turnkey full marketing system. It’s incredible what they have accomplished. Their goal is to raise 100 millionaires in 4 years; and let me tell you this. They’ve made a believer out of me.

I hopped onboard with CC Pro a couple of months ago, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. It is really unbelievable how the system works. And let us not speak of the Compensation Plan. Hang in there, baby. Stick with it and learn it. Not many of the home based internet businesses offer an upfront payment of a thousand dollars per sale on first level product. That’s why I said “stick with it”. My bank manager might soon get to know me on a first name basis, my friend. And what’s nice to know is that you can do it too.

I love not having to drive across town to sit in a classroom, or attending weekly business opportunity meeting. No more inviting strangers to my house. No wondering if I’ll return home to find items missing.

CC Pro frequently conducts conference calls and webinars. The training is not built around the “old rah-rah” excitement “Go-get-em-dog” "3-foot rule" principles. Carbon Copy Pro is a total deluxe internet home based business.

Naturally I’m still in the trenches, learning how to use the ammunition. So I don’t intend to come across like a high-rolling internet home business owner. Although my goal is $50k a month in a couple of years: I wouldn’t deceive anyone.
I’m not an overnight millionaire in my internet home based business: Far from it. For me it is a sharp up-swinging learning curve. The biggest mountain I have to climb is the technical side; the actual hands-on branding me, and marketing the product to the millions of people who surf the web daily.

Marketing! Even if you have a peanut size idea of what internet marketing is, it's still good. The idea of branding yourself might be something new to you?

Years ago the word branding was used to describe the act of distinguishing cattle. With a red hot poker, ranch owners and cowboys seare logo in the cows' hides. But like everything else, the word branding has taken on a new meaning. It is currently used in regards to advertise a distinctive design, to link consumers with specific manufacturers, and to link customers with you as a unique product.

To brand yourself means to establish you (the internet business owner) as an authority in your area of expertise. It defines you as a leader in the business and has nothing to do with hot metal pokers, cowboys, and logos.

Branding is done through writing blogs, articles, creating videos, and offering information of value to the consumer. When you help them to identify their problems, offer working solutions to these problems, and assist in stoning their enemies, they will be a friend for life.

Another form of branding is having your own personal website.
My old MLM companies gave me a web site that branded them and their products: not me. My picture or my voice was nowhere to be seen or heard on their sites. My name, email address, or a phone number might have appeared in a couple of places on the sites, and that was it. All the rest of the stuff was about them; not about me. They branded themselves; not me.

Not so with the latest wave of internet home based business ownership. One of the ways you brand yourself is by getting your own personal domain name, and following their instructions to set up the site. Case-in-point is MLM Lead Systems Pro.

MLM Lead System Pro is a lead generating internet home based business opportunity. The system is tailored to funnel visitors through a series of pages offering information on how to get FREE leads as well as paid leads for your business. Your business needs two things. You need more leads and more money.

For a minimal monthly cost ($1 for the first 14 days) MLM Lead System Pro will teach you all you need to know to set up your own system and get it running within a short space of time; even if you are new to the internet. There is a series of tutorial videos to walk you through the set-up process.

A big challenge for me was videotaping. As good as I am at photography and speaking to audiences, videotaping was not ‘a walk in the park’. Parading alone in front a camera is a task of a different nature. There never seems to be enough rehearsal to confidently brand myself in this area of marketing. I’m getting better, however.

I use MLM Lead System Pro in tandem with Carbon Copy Pro . They work like ‘needle and thread’, ‘hand and glove’. They go great together to form the perfect internet home based business.
Check it out and see for yourself

Monday, April 27, 2009

MLM Business Meeting in the 21st Century

MLM Business Meetings in the 21st Century. Same-ole-same-ole…
This is a story of a first-time Multilevel Marketer (a newbie to the business)
It’s unbelievable! He is still being trained in the business with the same old worn-out methods that have been in existence since the pre-dawn of the industry…
Upon reading the follow text, ask yourself. Could this be me?

Meet Mr. Newbie… (Forgive the gender)

So Mr. Newbie attended the MLM business meeting.
He fell in the love with the MLM business. The idea of working through others is totally fascinating. This is it! He bought into the program hook-line-and-sinker.
Now he’s totally consumed with the idea of getting a FIRM GRIP on success, at last.
SUCCESS! At last!
Finally in sight is Financial Freedom! The big RESIDUAL RETIREMENT CHECKS!
The MASSIVE Mansion in the CARIBBEAN! The PAID vacations! These MLM business meetings are great!
“Mr. Bank Manager, here I come!”
Got to keep the energy pumping. Before he departed from the throes of the rah-rah meeting, it was almost drilled into him:
“This business is built on excitement. Excitement spreads like a wild fire!” “Ignorance on fire gets the greater attention.”
“You’ve got to have a sense of urgency to build it right. If you want to make it big in this thing, I mean really big, within the next 24 to 48 hours; you've got to create your warm market list of friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and so on. Here’s a memory jogger list. When you get it together, get excited and call ‘em up. Call me if you need any help, okay?”
“Here’s the script. Take it home and study it.”
“Remember: Don’t tell them too much.”
“Stick to the script and you'll do just fine: All right?”
“Remember! Just pique their interest. Don’t give away too much on the phone.”
“Invite them to the big Saturday MLM Business Meetings so they can see the big picture.”
“Let the experts at the op meeting will do the rest for you. You got that?”
Right on, bro!!!
After the MLM Business Meeting is over, Mr. Newbie dashes home: 200 mph around the I-285 in Atlanta, GA.
On his way to the apartment he tenaciously clings to the memory of the blaze of excitement that heated up the expensive hotel room…
At home he eagerly dashes in to greet his wife.
“Honey!” he pants. “I’ve got it right here! Here’s the key to our Mansion in the Islands!”
And he proudly presents a brilliant new beginner’s kit; almost untouched by human hands.
“BIG DEAL!” she thinks. “Where’s the money?”
No matter how excited he tried to appear, when he rushed through the door, his wife looked at him as though he had been chased by a bear in the middle of summer.
He puffs and pants, desperately trying to convey the raw feelings of excitement to her.
“Good for you!” she chimes, sarcastically.
“Perhaps she doesn’t really understand what I have here in my hands…” he whimpers within…
Moments later he is seen busting his butt trying to satisfy the call to action.
Out comes the cellular phone contact numbers - the old trusted address book (donkey’s ears old: both front and back covers missing) containing email addresses; the works!
He sure as heck does not want to lose the few dollars he spent to join the MLM Company: Not after what he learned in the MLM Business Meeting
This is it!
“I’m going to be RICH…! Rich…! Rich…! Rich… I’m gonna be Rich just for spite!”
But it’s not that simple. From the get-go Mr. Newbie goes through hell and high water putting the warm list together.
Yet he struggles and eventually finishes the list.
Having finished the list, he does a little editing. This one will; that one won’t etc…
When he is through editing the warm list, if he has ten (10) good suspects he is lucky.
Lookee here!
Look what he’s got!
The strongest suspect is Uncle Bob.
“Uncle Bob will definitely do this…” he thinks. “He was in this type of business before…”
“And this is a brand new MLM debt-free Company! No competition. Products are doing great on the market. People are joining by the thousands all over the world. We'll be number one in 5 years. The Comp Plan is awesome, too! I can't wait to tell him about this one.”
“Let’s get to work, buddy!”
“Charge!” said the inner voice.
Run to the ten-pound telephone and call him, right now.
"Is this Uncle Bob?"
Uncle Bob hears the script. He know it's Mr Newbie, but he knows it’s a script. He’s done this several times AND FAILED.
Besides, this is does not sound like his nephew’s usual tone of voice.
“This is some nervous cockamamie faker trying to make a big impression...”
Uncle Bob knows there isn’t a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The dream died for him several years ago.
“Away with the malarkey, my son:” he muses. “The idiot thinks he’s on to something.”
But wait just a minute…!

Hold up for just a minute…!

Listen up, my friend!!!!!!!
I mean you… My reader...
Does this sound familiar to you? Does this sound like an experience you’ve had with an MLM business in the past?
(It certainly was mine.)
Yes indeedee!!! But I never gave up on the idea. I kept searching, knowing that one day I will be in a position to help somebody, and that person could be you, right now.

Friend! I have some Good News 4 U!!!
After many years of struggle in this business, I recently found a better marketing plan to achieve my goals; right now… Just the same as you do, I need more leads and more money.
Let me introduce you to the idea of Gains Without Pains…
Yes… I said it…
Gains without Pains…

Yes! There is A BETTER WAY…
Right now, I want to share with you How to Build your MLM Business in a rejection-free atmosphere.
And I did say
Instead of being the Hunter, you will become the Hunted. People will hunt you down with credit card in hand ready to buy from you.
Networker Marketers across the globe will hunt you down and pay you to learn how to get FREE leads and improve their bottom line.
It is called a ‘funded proposal’
YOUR MLM business will explode.
Aint that SWEET!!!

Need to know how?
There is Mike Dillard’s boot camp website Magnetic Sponsoring. The URL is Click on the link. You’ll be glad you did.
Go ahead.
Click it… or Lose it…
Ten… Nine… Eight…Seven…Six…Five…Four…Three…Two…One… GO!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Networking a Home Based Business

It’s amazing what can be accomplished when two people plough together with the same goal in mind: networking a home business.

A quote from the Holy Bible tells us…

“If one can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight; and a triple-braided cord cannot be broken.” Voila! Networking a home base business was born.

In more recent times - some 50 years ago - a company called Amway seems to have captured the essence of this Biblical principle found in Deuteronomy 32: 30. Amway is one of the most successful names in networking a home based business.
The passage of the Scripture has not only been adopted by the iconic home based business leader, but it has also served to build other network home based businesses in the wake of the luminous giant.

Shining above the rest is a group of people who work together sharing the same purpose. Ultimately, together they accomplish more than one person who shoulders a burden alone. And to work alone at times can be a thankless chore.

Individuals who work alone for linear wages (money earned from hourly employment) generally earn enough money to pay the bills. Some folks call it running in the same spot: Trapped in the day-to-day chores of putting food on the table. You got to eat to live. By the sweat of your brow, you eat your bread.

It can be said that a bread winner who conducts a business from home could be classified as a ‘home based business owner’. But there is a difference between a self-employed person who works from home, and a network marketer who runs a home based business. As mentioned earlier, one person works for linear wages, while the other generally utilizes the skills and services of other like-minded people. Together they work tirelessly to create never-ending streams of residual income; the sweet money.

Money to a self-employed worker is just as sweet as residual income is to a network marketer. Self employed persons generally labor out of a personal need for accuracy and perfection. They maintain a mindset that says “If you want it done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.” Be that as it may, time and financial freedom are least on their agendas. They often work longer hours, and face more difficult tasks than if they worked for a large corporation. Granted the monetary pay-off might be somewhat higher in the long run. Those who are self-employed chose to work from home because of the savings that are involved, the flexibility of setting their own hours, and tax benefits.

However, not all home based businesses are equal. A person who works from home and faces the full brunt of responsibilities has placed him or herself in an exclusive job. Whereas, a person who makes a profit by scheduling the duties of others while operating from home, is running a true home based business.

Home based businesses have been in existance since the primitive age of bartering, when items were exchanged for goods and services. For example chickens were given for beans.
In modern times we use money. Instruments of cash have made it simpler for the purpose of trading. Instead of lugging around the globe with tons of gold and silver, we use paper currency or plastic credit cards. Whether you work in a virtual home based business or a brick and mortar environment, making a profit is the main focus.

But why have these home based businesses recently come to the forefront of attention? In today’s economic climes, millions of searches are being made on every internet search engine known to mankind – Google, Yahoo, MSN and so on. Surfers are seeking bona fide home based businesses. The reason for this apparent surge may be due to current worldwide economy.

With the recent economic downturn (the instability and unrest in the marketplace; high unemployment figures; dwindling 401K retirement accounts etcetera) people everywhere are looking for ways to protect themselves and their families from financial disaster. The downturn has become an epidemic of global proportions. And on the surface it appears the real answer will be found in ownership of a home based business.

But will a home based business provide the lasting answers? The answers to this question can be as numerous as there are people.

A large percentage of the populace still seems to cling to the old entitlement mentality. They are fully convinced that the government will take care of them during the twilight years of retirement. They continue to believe deep down that the world owes them a living. But these are a dreams of a darker shade; inevitable nightmares.

“You’ve got to have a dream” is a line from the old movie - South Pacific. Quite often, dreams take quite a bit of elbow grease to bring them to fruition. Except you are prepared to put forth the necessary effort to bring forth the required results, the project is doomed for failure. No matter how excited you were at the inception of the idea of owning a home based business, those emotions will not remain the everlasting impetus to continue growing your home based business.

But don’t get me wrong. I am not against owning a home based business. I am a home based business owner myself. And I can testify it is hard work. I put in a lot of elbow grease on a daily basis.

You've got to work at building your business everyday. The reason for failure in most home based businesses is due to the expectation of instant results – microwave results. Some people have guaged their expectations on what they heard or read of someone who make $50k a week. They expect money to literally fall into their laps out of thin air.

So ‘Why a Home Based Business’?

There are tremendous tax advantages in owning a home based business. Among them is time freedom, and a chance to earn residual income – like royalties. But Uncle Sam is not as kind as he used to be. He wants to know that you are running a bona fide business and not a hobby masquerading as a business. He needs to see accurate documentation. He needs to see the usual paraphernalia that goes along with business ownership: Papers of Incorporation; A Mission Statement; Company Vision; Projections, and accurate bookkeeping.

Lastly, you must consider what you are going to do with all the extra income. The answer to this would be to invest it.
I’ll tell you more about this at a later date.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What If Factor.

The What If Factor

Positive or Negative?

Have you ever noticed what two little words can do for your confidence? I’m talking about “What If”.

So you set your goals. Let’s say you want to purchase a car. Having done your due diligence, you fixed your desires on a particular vehicle. Mind you, the price is within your spending range, and performance is what you want. Your confidence level is at the max. For weeks you ate, slept, and drank that car, even though it sat on the showroom floor.

Now let’s say you hadn’t mentioned your desire to own that vehicle to anyone; not even a spouse or a loved-one. There are some well-meaning people, some in our families, some closest to us, who will come up with a ‘What If’.

“’What If’ it breaks down? It’s gonna cost you a fortune to repaired it. My mechanic told me those cars are hard to work on. You have to take them back to the dealer.”

Except you are the unflappable type, there will be a knock at the door of your confidence.

And you’ll say to yourself… “You know what? That’s something I didn’t think about.”

Doubt sets in.

Take another example of the negative “What If” factor.

Let’s say you had a thought to invest in the stock market. Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, and Warren Buffet: all of these men made millions of dollars due to their personal investment programs. And they continue to advise the public to invest their money; to make their dollars work for them instead of working for the money.

We all know that every individual is not the same. We think differently, look differently, and act differently. Sometimes we believe what is good for the goose, is not always good for the gander.

Right now you might be caught up in the linear income phase of your life. You work every day to pay the bills. But one day on your way to work, as if a little bird whispered in your ear, you were struck with an epiphany.

“In order to keep ahead of inflation, I need to invest in the stock market.” These are the words you casually mentioned to your spouse. No big deal! Like I said, just a casual remark.

“Are you sure you know what you are talking about? What If you lose the money? How will we survive? You know that thing is like gambling.”

There it is again: “What If”.
"No doubt about it; that’s something to consider."

Your confidence is shaken.

Lastly, the big one…

This time we’ll look at a personal desire to be a Public Speaker. Every last one of your closest friends know that you have the gift of the gab. Not only did you kiss the Blarney Stone; you also broke off a piece and swallowed it.

All of a sudden some meaningful family member says to you…

“What If you got up there in front of all those people and caught stage fright? Won’t that be embarrassing?

‘What If’ is one of those old clichés that is generally meant to shake the confidence in a client, a child, a partner, a spouse, and countless other people.

I haven’t really done any research on whom or where the term derived. What I know is this: When I was an insurance salesman, the “What If” interjection helped me to close a ton of sales.

“’What If something happens (God forbid) to the bread winner? How will the family survive?”

But there is also a very positive side to the “What If” factor.

“’What If’ you do not start an investment program soon: How will you deal with inflation in the future?
Here is Ken Little's Golden Rule for investing:
"The best time to start investing was yesterday. The second best time is today. Tomorrow is better than nothing"

“’What If’ you do not teach yourself how to invest: How will you learn?

“’What If’ you do not teach your child how to invest? How will they survive the impending future?

You see, there is a myth about investing. They say you need to be a rocket scientist to invest in the stock market.

Investing is hard; that’s another myth. And yet another myth: You need to have someone who knows about the stock market to handle your investing.

When you give your money to someone else to hold for you, whose interest do you think will come first? What If you gave it to them and they lost every red cent, how would you feel then? Wouldn’t it be better to have lost it knowing what you did wrong, and learn from your mistakes?
There are a couple of books I recommend. “Alpha Teach Yourself – Investing in 24 Hours” by Ken Little, and “Investors Business Daily” by William J. Oneal.
Read the first book first and follow with the second. Between them they will set you on the road to good financial health.

What if you don’t study the books and work on the ideas?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Secret to Building Your Residual Income

Secrets to Building Your Residual Income

One of the biggest mistakes that online marketers make is that they focus on the short-term earnings of their business and not the long-term residual income potential.

You can earn a legitimate $35,000 residual income within your first year if you understand and follow this approach.

The idea here is that you will build a solid team, and then enjoy the residual income from this team for years to come. Do the work once, and get paid for life...

If you have 10 marketers that you have personally referred who is EACH earning a $10,000 per month income with WMI, you would be earning approximately $35,000 RESIDUAL income. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FOCUS AS YOU ARE BUILDING YOUR TEAM.

Even if you are barely breaking even in your OWN business, your sole purpose should be to go out and recruit your 10 leaders or however many people you have to until you have a $35,000/month residual income (or whatever your goal is.) To do this however you must have the belief and vision knowing that you are in the game long-term for the residual income.

You may even go as far as helping your new members close their sales by calling their applicants and BiB customers FOR them until they have made a few sales.

Do whatever it take to maximize your residual income and you will enjoy the payback for years to come.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Money Is Found In The List.

The Money is Found In The List.
No mystery, no smoke, and no mirrors!
The money is in the list.
Perhaps you have attended one of those big weddings where the guests far out-number the regular attendance at your local Sunday worship service.
You thought to yourself
“I didn’t know this young couple knew so many people…”
Well, there's no secret to it. They were collecting lists of names from various sources: parents, friends, relatives, and the social media networks - FaceBook, MySpace, Tagged.
Then you think to yourself
“If only I could’ve had this many people to attend one of my networking business meetings, what a deal that would be, eh?”
On my personal FaceBook page, I’ve been sending out the same message. “The Money Is Found in The List.”
Lo and behold, a friend (a young woman on FB) asked me what it is about. So I clicked on her profile and surely enough she is a networker. She represents a well-known network marketing company. You mean to tell me that she really doesn't know the meaning of my statement, or is she just kidding me?
"The money is found in the list."
"Build it and they will come."
The reason the wedding had so many guests in attendance was because of a list; or maybe two. The same goes for your business. The more names you have on our list of prospects the greater the chances for your business to succeed.
To build an effective list of names for your Network Marketing business, you’ve got to use an autoresponder. The autoresponder sends emails out to your prospects, even when you are not sitting at your computer.
The object of the exercise is to create, let’s say, a seven-part email campaign. Then you can set the intervals as frequently as you want. Having written the emails once, anyone joining your list will automatically receive the seven-part email campaign from you, over the time-frame set by you.
Again, it doesn’t matter if you're sitting at your computer or not. Those emails will be delivered to an inbox somewhere around the globe. You won’t ever have to physically do the work again. It will be done automatically for you. If ever those people decide they don’t want to receive any more emails from you, they can easily unsubscribe. And all of this will be done for you without you having to lift a finger.
The fact is, people have to be told seven (7) times about your product or service before they decide to get involved; before they decide to buy it from you. And that’s the whole purpose of the autoresponder.
Generating leads and building the list is the PREMIER IMPORTANT ASPECT of your network marketing business. And the same goes for brick and mortar businesses as well. You've got to find a way to place your product or service in front of thousands of prospects 24/7 and without high expenses.
There is nothing of greater importance than keeping the pipeline constantly full of names: What’s more, filled with qualified leads. One of the best autoresponders cand be had by visiting
Good luck with your sorting.
As Featured On EzineArticles

Shoe String Budget.

I received a few emails just recently that were really quite interesting. There were a couple of them in particular that mentioned the need to start network marketing businesses on shoe string budgets. The questions were…
“How can I start to build a home-based business with around $50?” In another message there was a similar question. “Can you introduce me to a hot low cost marketing strategy?”
With the recent economic down-turn, everyone needs to earn extra money: Everyone needs to cut corners and save money.
And you know what? The great American dream is still alive. Even if you are on a limited budget, it is doable. You will have to use a slightly different approach.
One of the worst things you could do is to throw every last dollar you earn at buying leads, pay-per-click campaigns, postcards, banners, or co-ops.
Sadly, that is exactly what many young entrepreneurs are doing right now.
That doesn’t make a lot of sense. The biggest mistake you could make is to spend your last dollar on advertising campaigns. And there’s a reason for that.
When you spend $500 on leads, pay-per-click, fliers, business cards, or postcard campaigns, it is quite possible to obtain a handful of prospects. But if you never sponsor any of them, not only have you lost your money, you are also back to the starting point. There is no way that money can work for you any longer. It’s gone. After you’ve called those leads, the game is over. You need more leads. It’s like the story of the gerbil on the treadmill: a never-ending cycle. You’ll be building your business on a pay-check to pay-check budget. Very few people ever come out ahead. So they are forced to call it quits.
So what is the recommendation?
You ought to invest in what is known as “high leverage” skills and simple activities which (over a period of time) will quickly and easily produce the kind of results you want: more leads without lifting a finger... for FREE.
And, right now, that is very easy to do; thanks to the massive changes that have taken place in the online world to date.
In the past, if you were considering marketing your products and services online, you had to be an expert at using search engines. You had to be a wizard at pay-per-click with ever-lasting deep pockets full of cash. That was the only way to get the kind of traffic you want.
The good news is, thanks to the new Web 2.0 sites like MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, CraigsList, and Ebay, you won’t have to shell out the big bucks in order to tap into this huge flow of FREE traffic.
Why would you want to pay for advertising and getting leads when you can get leads and advertise for FREE?
On the other side of the coin, you do not need to be a computer expert to utilize these simple procedures TODAY.
In closing, I want to recommend to you, right now, some unbelievable training by one of my favorite mentors. I can truly say that the training has personally helped me to leverage some really simple skills and build a thriving business on a shoe string budget.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Goes Without Saying.

One of the greatest fun moments I had during Sunday, April 19th, 2009 was taking family photos on the front lawn at our home. I was already having fun in my recording studio when I was called to join the group shot. Our son and daughter brought this mucho expensive digital camera to the house. The moment I saw the camera, it reminded me of my life as a photographer - another one of my passions; photography.
The first job I got after I departed from Combermere School (a secondary school in Barbados) was that of a photographer/camera and film salesman. I took many a family portrait and thousands of passport shots.
35 mm film was the order of the day. I began working with a large-body professional camera where the film was loaded into cassettes. There wasn't too much fun in that.
We used to sell the 120 and the 127 cameras and film - some of you might remember the old "Kodak Box Cameras".
Box Cameras did not start out with an eye-level view finder. On the body of 120 Box Camera there was one reflective view finder in the vertical position and another on the horizontal. Back in the day the skilled photographer knew how to tuck the black camera body in an area of the tummy, apply a small amount of pressure to hold the instrument steady: then slowly flick the lever to activate the shutter. There was no shutter speed to set, no apperature ring to dial, no auto focus and no zoom: everything was fixed. That was also fun. You just couldn't go wrong, except for the occasional camera shake. There was a detatchable flash-head that used individual flashbulbs.
I remember a customer took a photo of a building. There was plenty of fuzziness in the shot. So he asked me about it. I told him he shook the camera. He bluntly turned and said
"I didn't shake the camera, it was the building."
Yeah right!
But then one day the boss brought in a twin-lens reflex 35 mm camera. Progress!
Soon after that, there was the single-lens reflex; like the Minolta. They all used film.
We used to sell lots of 35 mm film: mainly black and white - monochrome; more so than the 120 or the 127 films. Color was not so prevalent.
Today (the date metioned above) my son and daughter took well over 300 photos and never once stopped to change a film: something unheard of in the years gone by.
How we've progressed in a few short years.
Best of all, instead of having to wait a week for the film to be processed, we could now see the images instantly; either on the LCD or on a computer.
And lastly, we can email our favorite poses to your friends and family across the globe. they would receive them in a split second, and postage won't be necessary.
Wow! That's progress!
I can truly say I'm having fun. I really appreciate being alive to see these rapid advances in technology. In a few more months and years ahead we'll be in for a few more surprises. It goes without mention, doesn't it?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Suffering From Headaches

Hey there again.
I might not be the sharpest drill in the pack, but I know how to say 'thank you'.
Thank you for the time you've spent reading my blogs and articles. I trust that you've found them to be interesting, entertaining, and educational.
It's with great pleasure that I frequently greet you and let you know what's going on in and around the world.
First up; I know you've all noticed that our Prez Obama remains constantly in the news. You might wonder how this constant media mania affects him personally. Well so do I.
What does Mrs. Obama think about her huaband always being in the spotlight? I wonder if the whole idea of fame causes her to have occasional headaches. Barack is currently 'larger than a Rock Star'.
Naturally, their offspring are not the regular run-of-the-mill everyday kids either. I'm sure they're not the ones to hop on a yellow school bus and share personal 'bookbag tales' about their parents. What a headache that would be, eh?
"My Mom and Dad had a fight last night. She kept saying no, so he hit her..."
Not at all possible, my friend.
From all I've read about our leader, I believe he had totally prepared himself and his family for the psychological changes brought on by life in the White House. And that having been said, with the same amount of energy, he continues to project his leadership skills into the next 4 years in office; even though this first term has 'only just begun'. Now there's a lesson for you young entrepreneurs.
We won't leave God out of the picture, because a majority of us believe the Almighty still holds a strong hand over the proceedings.
What gives me a renewed feeling of contentment (not complacency) is the fact that America has grown up; and growing up is not always easy. It's not always a walk in the park. Life isn't simply a bed of roses. So let us not forget that along with beautiful roses come thorns.
Thus in our praises of gratitude for the goodness that abounds, let us not forget to give thanks for the thorns of life. They, too, have a purpose.
Oh yes!
Headaches have causes and purposes!
I'll quickly share a story that was told to me by my HVAC man, and then I'm done.
He said a client of his was continually complaing of headaches and nose bleeds. She went to doctors and, based on what she told them, they could not determine the cause of the malady.
When the home air conditioner unit went out of order, she called for a qualified HVAC man to diagnose and fix the problem. He soon discovered that it was simply a matter of charging the system with nitrogen and checking for leaks. He did find a couple of leaks which he fixed and went on his way.
During the time when the cooling system was not working, the woman noticed that the headaches and nose bleeds abated somewhat. After the unit started working again, the illness returned.
So she called in repair man for the second time.
To honor his warranty commitment he returned. The first question he asked her was...
"Ma'am! When was the last time you had your ducts professionally cleaned out?"
Thirty years in the house and the ducts had never been cleaned.
Three weeks later (for under $60) not only did the headaches and nose bleeds disappear, but also the doctor visits became less frequent.
No I do not sell a duct cleaning service. I just wanted to let you know 'what's going on' in the village. Perhaps this info can help someone you know.
Headaches are not always a heralding of migrain. It could be something as simple as dust mites in your air duct system.
But 'I just called to say' take care.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Money Can Go Up in Smoke Without Setting a Match to It

Make the most of live when you are living it.
Look here!
Money is money. But residual income is money of a different kind. It's money that truly doesn't sleep. While your physical body is craving for shut-eye and you can no longer work, had you placed some of your earnings in the right market, no longer will you have to depend on linear income to make a living. It will grow exponentially.
Linear income is money made by exchanging time for dollars. Residual income is money earned on a regular basis from work done one time.
When you learn how to invest your money correctly, those Dollar bills, Yen, Quid, and Pesos will not even 'bust a sweat'. They almost keep mutating, making more and more of those colorful little suckers. Ha Ha! What a thought, eh?
Have you ever noticed how they air Dow Jones Averages on television? They flash some numbers up there, play a little music in the background and within the space of 20 seconds it's all over. The layman in the street is left wondering what the... Does it mean that the economy is doing what, good or bad?
Ever thought of the reason for that? Perhaps they don't want you and me to know what's really going on behind the scenes. Maybe if they made too big a deal out of it, perhaps consumers would get wise and upset the apple cart.
Check out some books by an author name Peter Lynch. You will get a lesson in the stock market. Don't tell them I told you so.
I'd better hush my mouth now.
If you have a thirst to be wealthy, you've got to know what wealthy people do to gain their wealth.
You know what? There is a difference between being rich and being wealthy. Of course you knew that all along. But being rich means you have enough money to live comfortably for a while. But being wealthy means you will never ever run out of money.
To enter into both categories will require some work on your part. And generally speaking it's the kind of work that takes the giggles out of life for a while. You might even lose some friend (or better said so-called friends) during the process of personal growth.
It's not how much money you make that counts. In today's world (as it always has been) it's how much money you get to keep that's most important; not how much you make.
Let me wrap this up. Take a look at those people who win big in the lottery - a few million. The money is here today and gone tomorrow. They never received an education in money, so they blow every bit of their winnings in a matter of days. Pretty soon they are back where they started. Poof! Overnight millions, next day zero millions.
There is a saying that goes like this. "Money will make you more of what you are." Believe me it will.
Be careful of what you pray for. You just might not be able to handle it, okay!
Money can go up in smoke without setting a match to it.

Great MLM Lie-la-bies (Lullabies)

It's good to see you and to be seen by you!
Listen! Are you still wondering what happened to those beautiful dreams that propelled you to join MLM?
Do you remember when you received your business kit; how you felt certain it was the only way you could earn the kind of money needed to support your dreams? I’m talking about that house on the hill with the picket fence near the lake; the Rolls Royce parked in the driveway, and frequent Mediterranean Cruises: all financed with MLM your money. It was great, wasn’t it?
I hate to burst your bubble. Let’s take at look at MLM marketing plans in general. They are usually given free of charge to those who opt-into the system. It is a part of the cost for registration.
Remember how they told you (like they did me) to make a list of all your friends and family members. They gave you a memory jogger list so you won’t leave out anybody. And you didn’t forget to ask for referrals. You did exactly as they told you: busted you butt, talking to strangers in the mall and inviting them to meetings in your home. Although the phone seemed to weigh 10 pounds you persistently made the follow-up calls. A handful of people would show up, but you adhered to their instructions to the last letter.
Know this! That was the full extent of their marketing plan. And guess what? As a result, right now you may be sitting there looking as lost as like a deer in the headlights, wondering what has happened.
You hate to admit it, but the end result is kind of embarrassing, isn’t it? Because of your involvement with MLM, your friends and family members seem to avoid you when they see you coming. Your bank account is greatly depleted. Money is mostly avalanching outwards, and merely a trickle is coming in. Credit cards are maxed-out and your future is filled with uncertainty. But you’re still tenaciously hanging on. They warned you not to quit: Quitters are losers. Although there is a flood of doubt in your mind, you try to maintain a belief in the products and services offered by the company or companies you represent.
Sooner or later, (if it hasn’t already) reality will knock at your door. You will reach the point where you have to make a decision. You won’t want to admit to yourself but you bought a bill of goods.
You were lulled into a marketing plan that was designed to keep you trapped as a loyal customer. I call it a “lie-la-by” not a lullaby.
What they told you from day one used to work very well during the 50s and 60s. With a lot of effort the plans were somewhat active into the late 80s and early 90s.
If you’ve recently joined the network marketing business, I’m sure you are as excited as I was years ago when I first started in the “soap business”. Based on what I have experienced, it won’t be long before you realize these archaic marketing methods are not working anymore.
5Linx, ACN, Amway and all the rest of them out there are not geared-up to teach you how to effectively market your business. They teach you how to market their products. They teach you how to be a glorified salesperson.
Let’s face it. Unless you find a way to place your business in front of hundreds of people 24/7, it is doomed for the endangered list.
You know it is true, because you see what happens on television. And you cannot deny the impact this type of psychological programming has on millions of viewers all over the world.
Let me give you a short test. See if you can finish the following statement:
“The best part of waking up is ______________ in your cup.”
If you used the brand name for “Coffee” you were brain-washed.
In order for you to greatly succeed in your business, it must have the same effect on your clients and customers. By the look of things, the internet will soon be the most dominant form of media broadcasting.
Put your business on the internet now, or continue to sit and wonder why you fell for the Lie-la-bies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to Climb The Hills and Valleys

You know what? Let me tell you a little something about how to climb the hills and valleys. For I am a real person.
From the day I could barely pronounce my name, even still in diapers, my life in the Caribbean was the gleaming beauty of perfection. I was the first boy, third in line, and God's gift to my mother and father.
And as I grew older I became almost invincible. Nothing and no one could stop me from becoming the person of my dreams.
During my school years, I knew my teachers were smart, but I somehow knew I had the edge on them. As for my Principal (known as the Headmaster) I often wondered why they chose him to be in charge of the school. Crazy kid.
None-the-less I had everything going for me: Good health, a good house to live in, and two good parents to take care of me. For me it was a lifetime of forever pleasure. Middle class to poor, but happy.
Throughout my teen years no one could deny me the priviledge of sailing on a cloud of limitless joy. Illegal drugs were no prevalent during that era. I survived on endorphins.
However, by the time secondary school graduation came around, the stuff hit the fan. It seemed as though someone crept up and stuck a pin in my highly inflated ego.
As strong as I protrayed myself to be, I could not hold back the tear. I gave the best shot at hiding my emotions, but that little stream of water trickled down my cheek and gave it all away.
My date looked bewildered.
"Could this be the same boy who appeared to be so brave during school years?" That's what I thought she was thinking.
But I was so deeply effected by the reality that stared me in the face, I almost uncontrollably let it all out.
Let me collapse the time; fast forward several years.
The above passage pretty much describes the story of my growing up years. The one thing that remains constant with me is music. From childhood I wanted to be a famous singer and I accomplished that dream to a certain degree. Life was good: A good wife, nice kids, trips here and there; the typical exciting things young families enjoy.
In the meantime my 6-year career in music allowed me to travel to many distant lands; including Egypt and Lebennon. I learned to speak Arabic and a few French phrases while we were in the Middle East.
The highlight of my singing career came when the band I was with at the time did a gig with Bob Marley and The Wailers in London, England. We were the opening act for Bob, not just once, but twice. What moments they were!
Much later, I departed from life as a professional musician during the mid 70s. In the late 80s I was introduced to network marketing, and transferred the passion from music to this new-found love. I struggled for many years as I tried to build a business. We'll talk about that in another story.
But in 2007 I was faced with the most difficult phase in my life. Had I not been blessed with a positive attitude it might have caused me to crumble.
I recieved the disturbing news no man wants to hear. No! it was not diabetes; it was not high blood pressure, or even high cholesterol. I never worried about any of these maladies since they are known to be hereditory.
Both of my parents enjoyed comfortable lives for well over eighty years. As a matter of fact, my mother transitioned from life to life eternal in her mid-nineties. She never had diabetes, or high blood.
What I do remember of my father is kind of vague. I left home after marriage at 19 years old and saw him again after a 15-year absence.
I remember him as a worrier. I remember he used to worry in silence a lot. But he didn't have any of these common illnesses that beset the aged. So when the doctor told me it was time to have a biopsy, my nerves were numbed.
Every year for 10 years I had myself checked out by my physician to make sure I would still function in the manner designed by the Almighty.
During the summer of 2007 before I left Altanta for my Barbados vacation (my hometown) my doctor had my blood drawn and sent for analysis. It was the usual yearly check-up.
My wife arrived in Barbados a week after my arrival from the US. I noticed a dullness about her countenance, and decided to let it be.
The vacation went slowly and eventually crawled to a close. Before I left Barbados to return home to the US, I asked my wife (Maureen) if she had any word about the blood test.
"The doctor thinks you should go see the Urologist; just to check thing out" she casually replied.
The Urologist greeted me warmly and said
"Well you know; it's more than just slightly enlarged. I think we ought to do a biopsy and see what's going on in there."
I maintained a positive attitude throughout the conversation. All in all, I did pretty good holding the posture.
A few days after the biopsy, I was summoned to the Urologist office.
"I have some good news and some bad news" he said with a smile. "We took 12 samples, and of the 12 two of them are cancerous... And since you are basically in good health right now, it's a good idea to have it treated before it develops into something unmanageable."
"Get it out of there" I resolved.
I went home and hopped on Google. I spent the night researching prostate cancer and it's treatments.
Having done so, I was comfortable with the idea of having the treatment asap.
I tell this story because I never thought something like this would happen to me. I had no signs of problems in this area. There was the sign of virility stamped on my forehead.
Having faced this experience and lived to tell about it, I think it is neccessary to encourage all men over 45 to have themselves checked out on a yearly basis: not just the blood test, but the unmentionable as well. My PSA was slightly elevated and could have escaped attention.
The doctors can document their findings and take action before it is too late.
Make sure this demon is caught and treated while there is still time left to enjoy your life.

MLM Business Sucks

Listen. I’m not putting this message out there to be read by the whole world. This is between you and me, okay?
Here it is…
After more than 10 years meddling with the network marketing industry, I arrived at a point where I swore never to get involved with MLM businesses again. I gained a lot of experience and came to the conclusion MLM Business Sucks.
I got the same end results from Company after Company. You name them and I probably represented them.
However, since I set up my website I won’t be upset if you call me an MLM junkie.
At one time I begun to think there was something wrong with me. I chased after rabbit after rabbit; sometimes two or three at a time. My big dreams continued to motivate me, but I never ever saw one of them come to fruition.
In November of 2007, my friend came to show me a new home business opportunity. By the way he spoke on the phone about his business, I set aside my gut feeling and decided to give MLM another shot.
I live in Stone Mountain. He took a bus from Savannah, Georgia, which meant a four hour ride to Atlanta. For me, that spelled commitment.
Up until that point I remained skeptical, but as I listened to his presentation, I realized that he was truly on to something. As to whether it was something big, only time would tell.
He said he had recently exited from the juice business and entered the wonderful world of telecommunications. I was excited and signed up in his down-line the said very day: I even booked a couple of tickets for the National Event in New Orleans which followed a couple of months later.
The very next day, the day after his visit to Atlanta, I was scheduled for major surgery at Northside Hospital.
Thankfully the surgery was successful, but I can’t say the same for the business.
I stumbled along with it for a while, having missed the first 30-day period to qualify for the bonus. The medication I was given during the surgery left me dazed for more than 6 weeks. Even though I wanted to shoot straight to the top in the business, it was not possible.
To this day (almost 2 years later) I haven’t made one red cent from that business. Mind you, I did everything they told me. I got their website; I attended the meetings; I distributed the sales material; I attended the webinars; I passed out the business cards; I passed out the flyers; I had meetings at my home and at my church; I made dozens of phone calls: And to boot I even spent upwards to $2000 on the last training event. I paid for flight; food, and hotel stay; plus purchased more sales/marketing materials.
At the end of the year (sadly) I couldn’t even take a tax deduction for expenses against income, because I had no earnings.
But I’ll tell you what! If I had done that much work back in the 1950s I would’ve been on the executive board: no kidding. But this is a new day and it calls for new strategies.
I’m not negative against the idea of MLM. It still works; but I’m sure you’ll agree, the old methods only work for a few and to a limited degree.
My goal is to earn a high dollar figure and help the poor. It still stands at $50k a month.
Upon close examination, I began to wonder how and when I would reach my lofty goal with a commission average around $2 per client per month. It would take hundreds upon thousands of people in my down-line, and countless years to reach my goal. Right now as the saying goes, there’s more of a long-look behind me than there is in front of me.

Now here is the good news.
Recently my partner and I began surfing the internet. We wanted to find another source to bring hundreds of leads on a daily basis.
Eventually, one thing led to another and we discovered an absolute mind-blowing lead generating network marketing company.
Not only does it bring the kind of results you are looking for, but it is also structured to pay the kind of commissions and residual income to help you reach your goals in a much shorter time.
I mentioned this to you because I know it is something you’ll be interesting in.
Take a look at the site and see for yourself. You'll be glad you received this message.
Thank you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Impact from Joe Vitale

Just a moment ago I was watching (and listening to) Joe Vitale's 15 Minute Miracle on
I said watching and listening because, as you know, it is quite simple to do both at the same time or in separate segments.
Most times when I am watching my choice of videos, there's more to hear than there is to see. Not that the images are boring; it's simply means that I can do something else while I listen. You've done it too, haven't you?
In my library there's a copy of Joe Vitale's book "Hypnotic Writing". I've spent hours reading and studying it from cover to cover. And I give credit to his work for this article you are reading right now.
If you haven't purchased a copy of one of Joe's masterpieces, I suggest you ought to run out and get yourself a personal copy soon. I've not seen 'Hypnotic Writing' in my local library. Perhaps it is there also but I haven't seen it on the shelf. And since I have my own luminous copy - highlighted so it almost glows in the dark - I didn't bother to inquire about it at the desk.
Joe is a very eloquent speaker and a very captivating author. What I like about him most is suttle methods he uses to get his point across. Joe leaves no stone unturned. He covertly covers the whole nine yards. It's all there; neatly packaged for you. And he does it without dangling a gold watch before you eyes. Oh no! No time for sleeping now!
The point I want to make about his video is really quite simple. There is a segment of the video where he makes mention of speaking to the 'Divine' asking for forgiveness, taking ownership of your life's mistakes, and offering gratitude: saying thank you to the Divine.
What a breath of fresh air that is to my mind? I can't begin to verbalize how Joe's words resonates with me. And the reason for this might also be known to you, as well.
There are millions of people out there who are walking around with a 'woe is me attitude'. They blame their downfalls on everyone else and every other circumstance. Rather than facing up to the facts, and seeing the real reason for the situation being the way it is, they put the beaming spotlight on this-that-and-the-other.
Their personal life is in a mess, and following closely in tandem is their business. When their personal life falls apart, their business quickly goes down the tubes. And you guessed it! Instead of accepting personal responsibility for the failure, they blame it on the nature of the business, the customers, the products, the Compensation Plan: The works! Then they bad-mouth the entire world.
What kind of impression do you think that would have on the younger generation? Based on this negative attitude portrayed by these quitters, a cousin, or a neice, or a nephew: A son, or daughter might say
"I aint never going to do something like that. That home-based business aint worth a crap! Look at Uncle Johnny! He hates it! Not for me! I want a regular job, so I can leave all that mess up to those managers. They get paid to handle the headaches."
And if this is likely to be your attitude, my friend, you should consider a real mental overhaul. Take a long walk away from Uncle Johnny before he poisons all. He's ruined it for himself and ought not ruin it for those who depend upon him for guidance.
A well-planned, well-structured business will stand the test of time; even in crucial economic times. And I can think of no better business than a business that pays residual income for life. This is money made while the clock ticks and you are fast asleep: In La-La Land.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Turmoil in Banking System

So what can the average American do to regain control of their financial life amidst all of this turmoil in banking system?

This is the question being asked in every household today. It's being asked in the White House, in your house, and in my house. What can we do to regain control?

Is printing more money the real answer? What impact will that have on our children and grandchildren for generations to come?

During ex-President George W. Bush's exit from office, the cry was "No more of the same! We need a change." That change is as much needed right now as a glass of water to parched lips in the desert.

Since the other ex-President - Ronald Reagan (God rest his soul) - untied the knot between real money and paper money, the US financial institution continues to be infected by what seems (to me) like a virus.
Are there any real answers to bring about real changes?
The answers may be found in the banking system - those who handle our hard earned money: They are the ones with the answers. But based upon what we see and know of the current banking system, it is somewhat dubious if their answers will honestly benefit the consumer at large.
It is my understanding that bankers continue to lend money on paper - upwards to 12 times that of physically ownership - and then they're repaid with the equivalent of blood, sweat, and tears, hard earned money; plus interest: The more urgent the need for the money, the higher the interest rate will be.
Property and Casualty insurance companies - another set of folks (rogues) with answers - continue to raise premiums, even though the automobile accident was not your fault.
In the mix is also the life insurance companies - with complicated acturial studies - who know that the majority of policyholders will outlive their term life policies. When a policyholder in good standing dies with adequate coverage, the family may not suffer financially. But to the holding company, the payout is a mere drop in the bucket.
What is sometimes hidden from the buyer, is the fact that a good portion of the monthly premiums goes in commissions to agents and managers. These guys induce the thought that half-million dollars in face value is more like what a family needs today; even though the premiums might bring hardship on the policyholders.
The trick is, they present a mental image of a hearse transporting a loved-one to the cemetary, and a grief-stricken family left wondering how they are going to pay the exhorbitant burial fees, as against a smaller monthly amount ahead of time.
In today's world, even though the internet is highly effective in soliciting all types of business including insurance, there is hardly a need for door-to-door salesmen especially in big cities. Yet, largely speaking, insurance premiums have not reflected a savings to me as a consumer.
Lastly, (in most cases) even though cremation is cheaper than putting a body into the ground, by-and-large some consumers have been brain-washed into preference of 'dust-to-dust' instead of 'ashes to ashes'.
Don't get me wrong. I love this country - the United States of America - The Good Old US of A. It has been my country for the past 30 years. We all know that Americans once enjoyed a freedom that was not wholy experienced in any other country. But times have changed; and are continually changing. So we must change with the times: Not just the politicians, but consumers as well.
To carry-on with 'more of the same' just printing money without funds to back it, is a sure-fire way of raising the temperature 10 times hotter than it presently is.
Going back to the question at the begining of this blog : "What can the average American do to regain control of their financial life amidst all of this turmoil?"
The definite answer might be found in the investment of a personal Wealth Building Education. I agree education is not cheap; but in the long run, the residual effects will far out-weigh the initial cost.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Conspiracy of The Rich

In Robert Kiyosaki’s upcoming book Conspiracy of The Rich, in Chapter 5 Robert writes “The Conspiracy Against Our Financial Intelligence”. Most of you already know Robert for his worldwide bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.
I am privileged to receive individual chapters online ahead of publication as they become available. From what I’ve read in this work from Robert Kiyosaki, in my mind there is an excellent prognosis for this latest project. I believe this book will also touch many hearts around the globe; even though I've read only a few chapters. It will help to promote and inspire a new awareness about money.
At the opening of Chapter 5 there are 2 questions asked. The first question is “What is the difference between Jessie James and a banker?” The answer is “Jessie James robbed banks from the inside. Bankers rob them from the inside.”
It’s not the first question that caught my attention as much as the second. “What is the best way to rob a bank?” The answer is a response given by a William Crawford, California Department of Savings and Loans. “The best way to rob a bank is to own one.”
The reason this question caught my interest over the first is the embedded humor within the statement itself. The chances of the average person in the street owning a bank is slim and none. Without gaining the know-how and leveraging the available experience and wisdom from people like Donald Trump and Robert himself, they are dead in the water.
A large percentage of the population still continues to see money as the root of all evil. So they stay away from the thought of cash in abundance - treating it like the plague.
In addition, the current educational system is still steeped in the will of presenting a highly confusing image of the financial world. Thus, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Blow continue to be strongly advised to leave financial decision making to the experts. And we all know that the quest of these so-called experts is to favor their own well-being over their clients’. There is still the matter of personal greed, “What’s in it for me.”
Congratulations Robert! You are doing a great job. For indeed, you have helped to save my home business from entering the endangered list.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Most Endangered

Look here, my friend.
Aren't you tired of going after the good, the bad, and the ugly: Trying to recruit everyone you meet into your MLM business?
"Use the three-foot rule," they say. "Eveyone that comes within three feet tell them about your business. Sometimes you have to be "Ignorance On Fire"."
Lemme ask you this. Have their suggestions gotten so deeply entrenched in your mind you can't see reality any longer?
Can't you see you're trapped in their game? If you drop out of the program they will lose a loyal customer. That's not what they want, so they keep you hooked on the line with heavily laced pep talks. Fifty years ago it was great, but not any longer. We've now truly entered into the information age.
Okay, okay. This is hurting a little. The truth usually does. But it is not nearly as bad as when you wake up and the medication wears off. That's when MLMers run from one opportunity to another. They gotta have the meds to keep them going.
You are just another integral part of their advertising plan. That's all you'll ever be. It'll take you years and years to make it big in MLM. Good concept: nothing more.
They've got you doped-up, hyped with words and empty promises. Their comp' plan is more like Complan -- the energy drink that makes you feel good: that's it.
Think about it!
They've got you thinking you're going to be rich in a couple of months. Sleep it, Eat it, and Drink it. You're going to be rich. But when; and how will you get there based on what you're doing now?
So you go to lunch everyday, and you buy the cheapest item on the menu; a cup of coffee. And then you proudly march out of the restaurant picking your teeth with toothpicks, trying to make someone believe you were eating a delicious stake.
Gotta save your money for the books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, seminars, sales material, and business cards. Spend, spend, spend! It's your business and you have to build it. And don't forget about the tax incentives.
Tax incentives! What tax incentives?
Yes! It's your business. You're suppose to run it like a business, not an expensive hobby?
You're in business to make a profit. If you're not making a profit, it's a hobby.
To continue with what you're doing now will mean that your so-called business will be heading for top recognition in the Guiness Book of Most Endangered Businesses Species.
I'm sure that's not what you want.
Let me give you some value

Business or Hobby

She sat on the wooden stool there on the dusty ground. Making stitch after stitch with needle and thread, she mended a pair of old woolen socks. There was only a couple of shillings in it for her.
Two shillings was not enough to cover her time. But she didn't mind. That wasn't important. The money wasn't that important. The service meant more to her. She mended garments because she loved doing it. It was her hobby.
Even in her advanced years, with good eyesight for someone in the late seventies, she still had the same opinion about money. It wasn't that important.
Like everyone else, she needed things to make her life comfortable; but her feelings about monetary gain never wavered.
She was well loved by her children and grand children. They often gave her gifts, and she would hesitantly accept the them.
More and more garments kept coming, and she would cheerfully mend them.
Eventually her neighbors took heart and built her a house to replace the old shack where she lived. She was thankful for the help, but she thought it was not necessary.
They brought her a sewing machine and she joyfully put it to use. And the garments kept piling in.
As the weeks and months rolled by she seemed to become more and more youthful in appearance. There was a face without blemish and a quickness in the step.
But she never lived long enough to reap the benefits of her continual giving. Though she will forever remain nameless, she passed a thriving business as a legacy for her children and grandchildren.
The more she gave, the more she received.

How To Be a Sloppy Millionaire

Millionaires aren't two a penny these days, but I'm sure you'd love for your name to be on the top ten list of rich folks in your city.
Think about it, eh!
You're no longer hitting the timeclock at a j-o-b, but fat paychecks stubs are frequently cutting a path to your mailbox. Your business has never been better.
Look! It's midday and you're just now dragging yourself out from the sack. You hobbled down the stairs, and flopped down in your office.
Your only item for discussion today (not problem; you don't have problems -- you just have discussions) is keeping your accounting books straight for the tax man. A few clicks on the computer, and you're done.
Sloppy as you are, (hair all disheavled, teeth aint brushed, faced aint washed) in a minute you're in your office. Not to work, just to discuss matters with your friend the accountant on your videophone.
What a deal, eh!
As you glided pass a mirror down the hall, you glanced at your image, and surely enough you look like sh..! For once you had to agree with the mirror.
Before you got settled in your high-back leather chair, to your surprise someone rang the doorbell. So you checked the security video monitor.
It's a kid!
Slowly and laboriously you climbed back up the stairs, opened the door, and the kid immediately turned white as a ghost as he says,
"Sorry sir! my mom said you were a millionaire." He instantly turned and scampered across your expensive green lawn, like a scared animal running for life.
"And so..." you hollered; puzzled.
"I've never seen a bloody sloppy millionaire before" said the kid, tripping over his legs.
What the...!
What did he want, anyway?

Do or Die

Think again.
You're never gonna make it if you continue to do the same things everyday and expect different results. It's crazy! In your home business the idea also holds good.
For instance, to think that you'll never put on weight if you continue to eat fatty foods is crazy. To work at home for the same $500 a week oblivious of a ballooning inflation rate also crazy. Either you are not aware of the impact of inflation on your paycheck, or you are just plain don't know.
Then there is the acronym GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out. When you feed your business on garbage guess what it will produce?
But what goes in doesn't always instantly come out. Sometimes it sits there in your system for years and ferments; becomes putrid and festers disease. It's the same with your business.
In order to see progress in your business and in your personal life you have to be prepared to make some changes: And sometimes these changes are necessary on a regular basis in order to stay on top of things.
So get out there and kick some sand; make waves. Your contributions to your business world are needed; even vital at times. Let's do this. Make a change. Do it or die.