Monday, April 20, 2009

Shoe String Budget.

I received a few emails just recently that were really quite interesting. There were a couple of them in particular that mentioned the need to start network marketing businesses on shoe string budgets. The questions were…
“How can I start to build a home-based business with around $50?” In another message there was a similar question. “Can you introduce me to a hot low cost marketing strategy?”
With the recent economic down-turn, everyone needs to earn extra money: Everyone needs to cut corners and save money.
And you know what? The great American dream is still alive. Even if you are on a limited budget, it is doable. You will have to use a slightly different approach.
One of the worst things you could do is to throw every last dollar you earn at buying leads, pay-per-click campaigns, postcards, banners, or co-ops.
Sadly, that is exactly what many young entrepreneurs are doing right now.
That doesn’t make a lot of sense. The biggest mistake you could make is to spend your last dollar on advertising campaigns. And there’s a reason for that.
When you spend $500 on leads, pay-per-click, fliers, business cards, or postcard campaigns, it is quite possible to obtain a handful of prospects. But if you never sponsor any of them, not only have you lost your money, you are also back to the starting point. There is no way that money can work for you any longer. It’s gone. After you’ve called those leads, the game is over. You need more leads. It’s like the story of the gerbil on the treadmill: a never-ending cycle. You’ll be building your business on a pay-check to pay-check budget. Very few people ever come out ahead. So they are forced to call it quits.
So what is the recommendation?
You ought to invest in what is known as “high leverage” skills and simple activities which (over a period of time) will quickly and easily produce the kind of results you want: more leads without lifting a finger... for FREE.
And, right now, that is very easy to do; thanks to the massive changes that have taken place in the online world to date.
In the past, if you were considering marketing your products and services online, you had to be an expert at using search engines. You had to be a wizard at pay-per-click with ever-lasting deep pockets full of cash. That was the only way to get the kind of traffic you want.
The good news is, thanks to the new Web 2.0 sites like MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, CraigsList, and Ebay, you won’t have to shell out the big bucks in order to tap into this huge flow of FREE traffic.
Why would you want to pay for advertising and getting leads when you can get leads and advertise for FREE?
On the other side of the coin, you do not need to be a computer expert to utilize these simple procedures TODAY.
In closing, I want to recommend to you, right now, some unbelievable training by one of my favorite mentors. I can truly say that the training has personally helped me to leverage some really simple skills and build a thriving business on a shoe string budget.

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