Listen! Are you still wondering what happened to those beautiful dreams that propelled you to join MLM?
Do you remember when you received your business kit; how you felt certain it was the only way you could earn the kind of money needed to support your dreams? I’m talking about that house on the hill with the picket fence near the lake; the Rolls Royce parked in the driveway, and frequent Mediterranean Cruises: all financed with MLM your money. It was great, wasn’t it?
I hate to burst your bubble. Let’s take at look at MLM marketing plans in general. They are usually given free of charge to those who opt-into the system. It is a part of the cost for registration.
Remember how they told you (like they did me) to make a list of all your friends and family members. They gave you a memory jogger list so you won’t leave out anybody. And you didn’t forget to ask for referrals. You did exactly as they told you: busted you butt, talking to strangers in the mall and inviting them to meetings in your home. Although the phone seemed to weigh 10 pounds you persistently made the follow-up calls. A handful of people would show up, but you adhered to their instructions to the last letter.
Know this! That was the full extent of their marketing plan. And guess what? As a result, right now you may be sitting there looking as lost as like a deer in the headlights, wondering what has happened.
You hate to admit it, but the end result is kind of embarrassing, isn’t it? Because of your involvement with MLM, your friends and family members seem to avoid you when they see you coming. Your bank account is greatly depleted. Money is mostly avalanching outwards, and merely a trickle is coming in. Credit cards are maxed-out and your future is filled with uncertainty. But you’re still tenaciously hanging on. They warned you not to quit: Quitters are losers. Although there is a flood of doubt in your mind, you try to maintain a belief in the products and services offered by the company or companies you represent.
Sooner or later, (if it hasn’t already) reality will knock at your door. You will reach the point where you have to make a decision. You won’t want to admit to yourself but you bought a bill of goods.
You were lulled into a marketing plan that was designed to keep you trapped as a loyal customer. I call it a “lie-la-by” not a lullaby.
What they told you from day one used to work very well during the 50s and 60s. With a lot of effort the plans were somewhat active into the late 80s and early 90s.
If you’ve recently joined the network marketing business, I’m sure you are as excited as I was years ago when I first started in the “soap business”. Based on what I have experienced, it won’t be long before you realize these archaic marketing methods are not working anymore.
5Linx, ACN, Amway and all the rest of them out there are not geared-up to teach you how to effectively market your business. They teach you how to market their products. They teach you how to be a glorified salesperson.
Let’s face it. Unless you find a way to place your business in front of hundreds of people 24/7, it is doomed for the endangered list.
You know it is true, because you see what happens on television. And you cannot deny the impact this type of psychological programming has on millions of viewers all over the world.
Let me give you a short test. See if you can finish the following statement:
“The best part of waking up is ______________ in your cup.”
If you used the brand name for “Coffee” you were brain-washed.
In order for you to greatly succeed in your business, it must have the same effect on your clients and customers. By the look of things, the internet will soon be the most dominant form of media broadcasting.
Put your business on the internet now, or continue to sit and wonder why you fell for the Lie-la-bies.
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