MLM Business Meetings in the 21st Century. Same-ole-same-ole…
This is a story of a first-time Multilevel Marketer (a newbie to the business)
It’s unbelievable! He is still being trained in the business with the same old worn-out methods that have been in existence since the pre-dawn of the industry…
Upon reading the follow text, ask yourself. Could this be me?
Meet Mr. Newbie… (Forgive the gender)
So Mr. Newbie attended the MLM business meeting.
He fell in the love with the MLM business. The idea of working through others is totally fascinating. This is it! He bought into the program hook-line-and-sinker.
Now he’s totally consumed with the idea of getting a FIRM GRIP on success, at last.
SUCCESS! At last!
Finally in sight is Financial Freedom! The big RESIDUAL RETIREMENT CHECKS!
The MASSIVE Mansion in the CARIBBEAN! The PAID vacations! These MLM business meetings are great!
“Mr. Bank Manager, here I come!”
Got to keep the energy pumping. Before he departed from the throes of the rah-rah meeting, it was almost drilled into him:
“This business is built on excitement. Excitement spreads like a wild fire!” “Ignorance on fire gets the greater attention.”
“You’ve got to have a sense of urgency to build it right. If you want to make it big in this thing, I mean really big, within the next 24 to 48 hours; you've got to create your warm market list of friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and so on. Here’s a memory jogger list. When you get it together, get excited and call ‘em up. Call me if you need any help, okay?”
“Here’s the script. Take it home and study it.”
“Remember: Don’t tell them too much.”
“Stick to the script and you'll do just fine: All right?”
“Remember! Just pique their interest. Don’t give away too much on the phone.”
“Invite them to the big Saturday MLM Business Meetings so they can see the big picture.”
“Let the experts at the op meeting will do the rest for you. You got that?”
Right on, bro!!!
After the MLM Business Meeting is over, Mr. Newbie dashes home: 200 mph around the I-285 in Atlanta, GA.
On his way to the apartment he tenaciously clings to the memory of the blaze of excitement that heated up the expensive hotel room…
At home he eagerly dashes in to greet his wife.
“Honey!” he pants. “I’ve got it right here! Here’s the key to our Mansion in the Islands!”
And he proudly presents a brilliant new beginner’s kit; almost untouched by human hands.
“BIG DEAL!” she thinks. “Where’s the money?”
No matter how excited he tried to appear, when he rushed through the door, his wife looked at him as though he had been chased by a bear in the middle of summer.
He puffs and pants, desperately trying to convey the raw feelings of excitement to her.
“Good for you!” she chimes, sarcastically.
“Perhaps she doesn’t really understand what I have here in my hands…” he whimpers within…
Moments later he is seen busting his butt trying to satisfy the call to action.
Out comes the cellular phone contact numbers - the old trusted address book (donkey’s ears old: both front and back covers missing) containing email addresses; the works!
He sure as heck does not want to lose the few dollars he spent to join the MLM Company: Not after what he learned in the MLM Business Meeting
This is it!
“I’m going to be RICH…! Rich…! Rich…! Rich… I’m gonna be Rich just for spite!”
But it’s not that simple. From the get-go Mr. Newbie goes through hell and high water putting the warm list together.
Yet he struggles and eventually finishes the list.
Having finished the list, he does a little editing. This one will; that one won’t etc…
When he is through editing the warm list, if he has ten (10) good suspects he is lucky.
Lookee here!
Look what he’s got!
The strongest suspect is Uncle Bob.
“Uncle Bob will definitely do this…” he thinks. “He was in this type of business before…”
“And this is a brand new MLM debt-free Company! No competition. Products are doing great on the market. People are joining by the thousands all over the world. We'll be number one in 5 years. The Comp Plan is awesome, too! I can't wait to tell him about this one.”
“Let’s get to work, buddy!”
This is a story of a first-time Multilevel Marketer (a newbie to the business)
It’s unbelievable! He is still being trained in the business with the same old worn-out methods that have been in existence since the pre-dawn of the industry…
Upon reading the follow text, ask yourself. Could this be me?
Meet Mr. Newbie… (Forgive the gender)
So Mr. Newbie attended the MLM business meeting.
He fell in the love with the MLM business. The idea of working through others is totally fascinating. This is it! He bought into the program hook-line-and-sinker.
Now he’s totally consumed with the idea of getting a FIRM GRIP on success, at last.
SUCCESS! At last!
Finally in sight is Financial Freedom! The big RESIDUAL RETIREMENT CHECKS!
The MASSIVE Mansion in the CARIBBEAN! The PAID vacations! These MLM business meetings are great!
“Mr. Bank Manager, here I come!”
Got to keep the energy pumping. Before he departed from the throes of the rah-rah meeting, it was almost drilled into him:
“This business is built on excitement. Excitement spreads like a wild fire!” “Ignorance on fire gets the greater attention.”
“You’ve got to have a sense of urgency to build it right. If you want to make it big in this thing, I mean really big, within the next 24 to 48 hours; you've got to create your warm market list of friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and so on. Here’s a memory jogger list. When you get it together, get excited and call ‘em up. Call me if you need any help, okay?”
“Here’s the script. Take it home and study it.”
“Remember: Don’t tell them too much.”
“Stick to the script and you'll do just fine: All right?”
“Remember! Just pique their interest. Don’t give away too much on the phone.”
“Invite them to the big Saturday MLM Business Meetings so they can see the big picture.”
“Let the experts at the op meeting will do the rest for you. You got that?”
Right on, bro!!!
After the MLM Business Meeting is over, Mr. Newbie dashes home: 200 mph around the I-285 in Atlanta, GA.
On his way to the apartment he tenaciously clings to the memory of the blaze of excitement that heated up the expensive hotel room…
At home he eagerly dashes in to greet his wife.
“Honey!” he pants. “I’ve got it right here! Here’s the key to our Mansion in the Islands!”
And he proudly presents a brilliant new beginner’s kit; almost untouched by human hands.
“BIG DEAL!” she thinks. “Where’s the money?”
No matter how excited he tried to appear, when he rushed through the door, his wife looked at him as though he had been chased by a bear in the middle of summer.
He puffs and pants, desperately trying to convey the raw feelings of excitement to her.
“Good for you!” she chimes, sarcastically.
“Perhaps she doesn’t really understand what I have here in my hands…” he whimpers within…
Moments later he is seen busting his butt trying to satisfy the call to action.
Out comes the cellular phone contact numbers - the old trusted address book (donkey’s ears old: both front and back covers missing) containing email addresses; the works!
He sure as heck does not want to lose the few dollars he spent to join the MLM Company: Not after what he learned in the MLM Business Meeting
This is it!
“I’m going to be RICH…! Rich…! Rich…! Rich… I’m gonna be Rich just for spite!”
But it’s not that simple. From the get-go Mr. Newbie goes through hell and high water putting the warm list together.
Yet he struggles and eventually finishes the list.
Having finished the list, he does a little editing. This one will; that one won’t etc…
When he is through editing the warm list, if he has ten (10) good suspects he is lucky.
Lookee here!
Look what he’s got!
The strongest suspect is Uncle Bob.
“Uncle Bob will definitely do this…” he thinks. “He was in this type of business before…”
“And this is a brand new MLM debt-free Company! No competition. Products are doing great on the market. People are joining by the thousands all over the world. We'll be number one in 5 years. The Comp Plan is awesome, too! I can't wait to tell him about this one.”
“Let’s get to work, buddy!”
“Charge!” said the inner voice.
Run to the ten-pound telephone and call him, right now.
Run to the ten-pound telephone and call him, right now.
"Is this Uncle Bob?"
Uncle Bob hears the script. He know it's Mr Newbie, but he knows it’s a script. He’s done this several times AND FAILED.
Besides, this is does not sound like his nephew’s usual tone of voice.
“This is some nervous cockamamie faker trying to make a big impression...”
Uncle Bob knows there isn’t a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The dream died for him several years ago.
“Away with the malarkey, my son:” he muses. “The idiot thinks he’s on to something.”
But wait just a minute…!
Uncle Bob hears the script. He know it's Mr Newbie, but he knows it’s a script. He’s done this several times AND FAILED.
Besides, this is does not sound like his nephew’s usual tone of voice.
“This is some nervous cockamamie faker trying to make a big impression...”
Uncle Bob knows there isn’t a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The dream died for him several years ago.
“Away with the malarkey, my son:” he muses. “The idiot thinks he’s on to something.”
But wait just a minute…!
Hold up for just a minute…!
Listen up, my friend!!!!!!!
I mean you… My reader...
Does this sound familiar to you? Does this sound like an experience you’ve had with an MLM business in the past?
(It certainly was mine.)
Yes indeedee!!! But I never gave up on the idea. I kept searching, knowing that one day I will be in a position to help somebody, and that person could be you, right now.
Friend! I have some Good News 4 U!!!
After many years of struggle in this business, I recently found a better marketing plan to achieve my goals; right now… Just the same as you do, I need more leads and more money.
Let me introduce you to the idea of Gains Without Pains…
Yes… I said it…
Gains without Pains…
Yes… I said it…
Gains without Pains…
Yes! There is A BETTER WAY…
Right now, I want to share with you How to Build your MLM Business in a rejection-free atmosphere.
And I did say
Instead of being the Hunter, you will become the Hunted. People will hunt you down with credit card in hand ready to buy from you.
Networker Marketers across the globe will hunt you down and pay you to learn how to get FREE leads and improve their bottom line.
It is called a ‘funded proposal’
YOUR MLM business will explode.
Aint that SWEET!!!
Aint that SWEET!!!
Need to know how?
There is Mike Dillard’s boot camp website Magnetic Sponsoring. The URL is Click on the link. You’ll be glad you did.
Go ahead.
Click it… or Lose it…
Ten… Nine… Eight…Seven…Six…Five…Four…Three…Two…One… GO!!!
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