I might not be the sharpest drill in the pack, but I know how to say 'thank you'.
Thank you for the time you've spent reading my blogs and articles. I trust that you've found them to be interesting, entertaining, and educational.
It's with great pleasure that I frequently greet you and let you know what's going on in and around the world.
First up; I know you've all noticed that our Prez Obama remains constantly in the news. You might wonder how this constant media mania affects him personally. Well so do I.
What does Mrs. Obama think about her huaband always being in the spotlight? I wonder if the whole idea of fame causes her to have occasional headaches. Barack is currently 'larger than a Rock Star'.
Naturally, their offspring are not the regular run-of-the-mill everyday kids either. I'm sure they're not the ones to hop on a yellow school bus and share personal 'bookbag tales' about their parents. What a headache that would be, eh?
"My Mom and Dad had a fight last night. She kept saying no, so he hit her..."
Not at all possible, my friend.
From all I've read about our leader, I believe he had totally prepared himself and his family for the psychological changes brought on by life in the White House. And that having been said, with the same amount of energy, he continues to project his leadership skills into the next 4 years in office; even though this first term has 'only just begun'. Now there's a lesson for you young entrepreneurs.
We won't leave God out of the picture, because a majority of us believe the Almighty still holds a strong hand over the proceedings.
What gives me a renewed feeling of contentment (not complacency) is the fact that America has grown up; and growing up is not always easy. It's not always a walk in the park. Life isn't simply a bed of roses. So let us not forget that along with beautiful roses come thorns.
Thus in our praises of gratitude for the goodness that abounds, let us not forget to give thanks for the thorns of life. They, too, have a purpose.
Oh yes!
Headaches have causes and purposes!
I'll quickly share a story that was told to me by my HVAC man, and then I'm done.
He said a client of his was continually complaing of headaches and nose bleeds. She went to doctors and, based on what she told them, they could not determine the cause of the malady.
When the home air conditioner unit went out of order, she called for a qualified HVAC man to diagnose and fix the problem. He soon discovered that it was simply a matter of charging the system with nitrogen and checking for leaks. He did find a couple of leaks which he fixed and went on his way.
During the time when the cooling system was not working, the woman noticed that the headaches and nose bleeds abated somewhat. After the unit started working again, the illness returned.
So she called in repair man for the second time.
To honor his warranty commitment he returned. The first question he asked her was...
"Ma'am! When was the last time you had your ducts professionally cleaned out?"
Thirty years in the house and the ducts had never been cleaned.
Three weeks later (for under $60) not only did the headaches and nose bleeds disappear, but also the doctor visits became less frequent.
No I do not sell a duct cleaning service. I just wanted to let you know 'what's going on' in the village. Perhaps this info can help someone you know.
Headaches are not always a heralding of migrain. It could be something as simple as dust mites in your air duct system.
But 'I just called to say' take care. http://www.mlmsolidsecrets.com/
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